The series revolves around a contest where 456 players, all of whom are in deep financial debt, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children's games for the chance to win a ?45.6 billion prize. The title of the series draws from a similarly named Korean children's game.
Circus Master Escape
Rescue Pins
Santa Gift Breaker
Pixel Linker
Pong Biz
Smoothie Maker Game
Armour Crush
Crazy Car Impossible Sky Tracks
Truck Parking Car Games 3D
Candy Drops
Stickman Fighter Mega
FZ PinBall
Kitty Chase
Agile Driver - Car Game
Temple Run 2 Festival
Baby Dragons
Love Rescue : Pull Pins and Brain Wash
Halloween Hangman
Dye Fashion
Animals Rescue
Kids Go Shopping
Happy Birthday With Family
Space Prospector
SpiderMan Skate 3D
Dream Boyfriend Maker 2021
Among Us Arcade
Squad Tower Game
Ball Sort Color
Miners Adventure